Sallisaw Water Treatment Plant

Project Description

To meet its future water needs, a new state-of-the art 6.0 million gallons per day (MGD) water treatment plant was constructed for the City of Sallisaw, Oklahoma. Upon completion, the existing water treatment plants, dating back to the early 1960s, were abandoned. The project included a pre-sedimentation basin, rapid mix, solids contact clarifiers, an array of six (6) conventional dual media filters, an operations building, a chemical storage and feed building, a residuals thickener, a set of residual filters, a finished water pump station, and backup power generation. Expanded treatment capacities not only satisfy the necessary regulatory redundancy, but are further expandable to 150% of current capacity. The project also incorporated the latest in instrumentation and SCADA control technology. Hawkins-Weir (HW) facilitated a team approach to the study and preliminary design phases for the project, and introduced the Owner’s key personnel to several water treatment technology alternatives prior to any selections being made during the subsequent design phase. HW also provided construction observation and construction management services for the project. This project will address the City of Sallisaw’s water treatment needs through 2050.